Why Do Dogs Growl: How To Handle Growling

Category : General
dog growling

Why is my dog growling at nothing? There are different beliefs regarding dog growling. Some think it’s due to aggression. Others think it’s a way to convey their happiness. Some also say it’s their way of communicating their message or talking to you.  All these can be reasons behind their growling, but it depends on the range of their growling and behaviour. So it’s essential to learn why do dogs growl to find out the reason. In addition, some handling things will add to your safety.  Finding out the reaction behind your puppy growling can be difficult, but to help you here, we have prepared a guide on why do dogs growl and how to handle them. So, without wasting your time, let’s mix the ingredients to cook the story.

Why do dogs growl?

How to deal with dog growling and showing teeth? Everyone’s language is different, especially when it comes to pets. Growling is the dog’s most common way of communication. It can be that the dog is trying to tell you something, show their aggression, or encourage you to play with them. It looks challenging to identify the reason. You don’t have to do much. Just pay attention to your dog when they are growling. How to stop dog growl? Dog growls in different ways with different sounds to help you identify the reason. You just have to focus on the type and situation, and soon, you can locate the reason. Just like a dog, one may say I feel threatened while another could convey their happiness.

Play Growls

Almost all dogs growl during playtime, but some pet owners think that they are venting out their aggression. The growling, in this case, is not always the same. It can be, but average growling is part of normal play behaviour.  During that growl, most dogs usually have loose body language and soft facial expressions, like a tail held in neutral and a soft ear moved a little to the side. Why is my dog growling at nothing? Some dog owners have asked the questions many times.

When Greeting Other Dog

The second most common growl occurs when you make your dog meet another dog companion. This may happen before the other dogs come closer. Sometimes, it may be accompanied by stiff body language, a hard stare, and an ear pointed forward or held to the side.  If this happens, there is a clear message that your little furry friend doesn’t want the other dog to come closer. This growling may sometimes occur after growling when your dog sniffs another companion’s face. This also declares that the growling dog is uncomfortable and wants them to return to their place and not to be closer.

Stress Growling

Another common form of growling is stress growling, also known as a warning signal. They want you or others to back off before they attack you, venting out their stress. The trained dog never bites or attacks you, so they simply use growling to prevent the situation from escalating.  This is a great act because growling warns you of a dangerous situation. Appreciate your dog for growling before attacking because this way, they alert you of your aggression. In that situation, you should help your dog and prevent injuries.

Growling Over Other Person Approach

Dog growling may occur when an anonymous person tries to behave frankly with the dog while lying down. This growl is different from the two above. The dog growls with a lower head, avoids direct eye contact, and pulls its ear back. This declares that the dog doesn’t want to meet them, or sometimes, it also growls because it is worried they may be taken out of its comfortable location.

Excited Growl

Dogs also growl when they are excited and want to share their happiness with you. During this growl, you observe a soft face with playful body language. The puppy can growl with joy when you are back home. While growling, they wiggle the bottom and swish their tail.

How do you Stop Your Puppy Growling?

Sometimes, you might wonder why your puppy is growling at you and how you can stop it, but the next minute, you might think it’s impossible. Once you know the reason behind your puppy’s growling (the secret that I have revealed above), you can find a way to stop it. So here are some ways to stop their growling.

Do’s and Dont’s When the Dog Is Growling

Remember that their growl is their primary form of communication, so don’t hit and shout at them. You will behave similarly when someone does this with you. The same goes for dogs, even if they are not human beings so they can react poorly compared to faraway humans.

Don’t only correct them, but understand the reason behind their growling and then find the solution quickly. Most of the time, dogs growl at another dog or stranger, and when you punish them for that can lead to further aggression, baring their teeth, lunging, snapping, and sometimes biting the other party. You have to handle them with love and care to stop their growling in a good way, understand them, and solve their problem. By following these tips and implementing these activities, you can not only stop your dog’s growl but also make it feel that you are unique to them. Handle them with love and care to avoid aggressive action.

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